Sunday, July 14, 2019
Gandhinagar Municipal Corporation (GMC) has published Computer Proficiency Test Call Latter for the post of Clerk, Senior Clerk, Tax Inspector and Other Posts 2019.
July 14, 2019
by Chirag Vankar
Post Name:-
1. Clerk (Advt.No.7/201718)
2. Senior Clerk (Advt.No.10/201718)
3. Tax Inspector (Advt.No.11/201718)
4. Sub Auditor/Sub
Accountant (Advt.No.12/201718)
5. System Analyst/Senior
Programmer (Advt.No.16/201718)
Computer Proficiency Test Syllabus:
1. Clerk: Click here
2. Senior Clerk:Click here
3. Tax Inspector:Click here
4. Sub Auditor/Sub
Accountant:Click here
5. System Analyst/Senior
Programmer:Click here
Computer Proficiency Test Date:- 28-07-2019
Call Latter:Click here
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