has published advertisement for
Recruitment for below Mention
Posts 2019.Other details like age limit, educational qualification, selection
process, application fee and how to apply are given below.
- Head
Art / Liding Head (Mechanic) (GSRTC/201920/33): Click Here
- Art A Mechanic (GSRTC/201920/34): ClickHere
- Art A Electrician (GSRTC/201920/35): ClickHere
- Art B Body Fitter (GSRTC/201920/36): ClickHere
- Art B Tyre Fitter (GSRTC/201920/37): ClickHere
- Art B Tinsmith / Welder (GSRTC/201920/38):
Click Here
- Art B Black Smith (GSRTC/201920/39): ClickHere
- Art B Vulkenizar (GSRTC/201920/40): ClickHere
- Art B Bench Fitter (GSRTC/201920/41): ClickHere
- Art C Mechanic (GSRTC/201920/42): ClickHere
- Art C Body Fitter (GSRTC/201920/43): ClickHere
- Art C Painter (GSRTC/201920/44): Click Here
- Art C Electrician (GSRTC/201920/45): ClickHere
- Art C Vulkenizar (GSRTC/201920/46): ClickHere
- Helper (GSRTC/201920/47): Click here
Vacancy: 659
qualification:- Please read official notification.
to Apply: Interested candidate apply on official website.
Note: Stay
connected with for latest update(Job Alert)
Important: Please always check
and confirm the above details with the official website and Notification/ Advertisement.